Heartburn concoction I
Older leaves of Blumea ............. 5 pieces
Gotu kola leaves ................... 25 sheets
Old Powder ........................ 5 seeds
Dlingo fingers along ............... 1
How to mix:
Wash and boil all the ingredients with 4 cups of water to the remaining approximately 3 cups. Pick up the ingredients and strain.
Rules used:
Drink this mixture at a dose as follows,
Children aged 9-12 years, 3 times a day each 1/3 cup.
Adult, 3 times a day, each ½ cup
Natural Remedy Heartburn Medication II
Guava leaves ................. 5 pieces
Gotu kola ............................ 10 sheets
Powder .............................. 5 seeds
Coriander .......................... 11 seeds
Cinnamon ...................... ½ fingers
How to mix:
Wash all the ingredients, then cooked ingredients with remaining 4 cups of water until about 3 cups. Lift and strain.
Rules used:
Drink this mixture after meals, with dose as follows;
- Children aged 9-12 years, 3 times a day, each 1/3 cup.
- Adult, 3 times a day, each ½ cup
For treatment, simply select one of two prescription heartburn drug experienced above. Typically, the disease suffered ulcer will be cured. However, do not forget to keep a healthy diet so that stomach ulcers are not attacked again.
Okay, so just post this time. Hopefully the information above about traditional ulcer drug benefit to all.