Heartburn is a disease that attacks the digestive tract, especially in the stomach, intestines or esophagus. Heartburn can be experienced by anyone, especially those who are less able to maintain your diet. Normally, stomach ulcers and heartburn followed by abdominal tenderness. Actually, there are many ways to treat heartburn, whether it be traditional or modern. However, we will discuss here only a few natural prescribing heartburn medication. For those who happen to need the information, please read the following guidelines.
Heartburn concoction I
Older leaves of Blumea ............. 5 pieces
Gotu kola leaves ................... 25 sheets
Old Powder ........................ 5 seeds
Dlingo fingers along ............... 1
How to mix:
Wash and boil all the ingredients with 4 cups of water to the remaining approximately 3 cups. Pick up the ingredients and strain.
Rules used:
Drink this mixture at a dose as follows,
Children aged 9-12 years, 3 times a day each 1/3 cup.
Adult, 3 times a day, each ½ cup
Natural Remedy Heartburn Medication II
Guava leaves ................. 5 pieces
Gotu kola ............................ 10 sheets
Powder .............................. 5 seeds
Coriander .......................... 11 seeds
Cinnamon ...................... ½ fingers
How to mix:
Wash all the ingredients, then cooked ingredients with remaining 4 cups of water until about 3 cups. Lift and strain.
Rules used:
Drink this mixture after meals, with dose as follows;
- Children aged 9-12 years, 3 times a day, each 1/3 cup.
- Adult, 3 times a day, each ½ cup
For treatment, simply select one of two prescription heartburn drug experienced above. Typically, the disease suffered ulcer will be cured. However, do not forget to keep a healthy diet so that stomach ulcers are not attacked again.
Okay, so just post this time. Hopefully the information above about traditional ulcer drug benefit to all.